Collection Partners

TechCollect provides our recycling service to households and businesses across Australia in conjunction with our local council and waste management partners.

You can find more information about becoming a Collection Partner here.

New South Wales and ACT

  • Eurobodalla Shire Council
  • Georges River Council
  • JJ Richards & Sons
  • Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre
  • Burwood Council
  • Gannawarra Shire Council
  • Wakool Shire Council
  • Blacktown Waste Services
  • Wingecarribee Shire Council
  • Tweed Shire Council


  • Gympie Regional Council
  • CDS Recycling
  • Endeavour Foundation
  • E-Waste Recycling Australia
  • Central Highlands Regional Council

South Australia

  • City of Charles Sturt
  • District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula
  • Adelaide Plains Council
  • District Council of Mount Barker
  • District Council of Mount Remarkable
  • District Council of Loxton Waikerie
  • Northern Areas Council
  • Southern Region Waste Resource Authority (SRWRA)
  • City of Campbelltown
  • City of Tea Tree Gully
  • Tatiara District Council
  • Glen Osmond Recycling Centre


  • Hepburn Shire Council
  • Toxfree
  • East Gippsland Shire Council

Western Australia and Northern Territory

  • Alice Springs Town Council
  • City of Stirling
  • Shire of Kalmanunda
  • City of Busselton
  • City of Cockburn
  • City of Greater Geraldton
  • City of Karratha
  • Katherine Town Council
  • Litchfield Council
  • Shire of Broome
  • Town of Port Hedland

Recycling Partners

Products collected by TechCollect are recycled by the following recycling companies who follow strict safety and environmental standards:

partners recycling totally green recycling
partners recycling endeavour foundation
partners recycling ace recycling group
partners recycling electronic recycling australia

Other recycling schemes

TechCollect also works with the following Recycling Schemes:

Recycling Near You

This site contains information about the recycling and waste services offered by your council as well as local drop-off options for items including computers, batteries, printer cartridges, mobile phones and many more.

Cartridges 4 Planet Ark

An innovative recycling program that provides Australians with a free, easy
and environmentally-accredited way to recycle their used printer cartridges.


The official product stewardship program of Australia’s mobile phone industry.


Australia’s official battery recycling scheme run by the Battery Stewardship Council, and authorised by the ACCC.

NB: TechCollect contracts direct with its suppliers in writing, contracts offered by third parties purporting to be TechCollect contracts are not TechCollect contracts.